Nucleus Ventralis Lemnisci Lateralis

The Nucleus ventralis lemnisci lateralis, pars posterior is the first site of processing ILDs. The same treatment did not affect the neurons of the Nucleus ventralis lemnisci lateralis, pars posterior, whereas it reduced the response of the optic tectum neurons to ITD-ILD pairs.We conclude that although the two pathways are independent, the process of combining ITD and ILD creates a new relationship in which the output of the neuron varies with the amplitude of either input.  

An injection of biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) in the auditory region of nucleus basalis retrogradely labeled cells in both the caudal and rostral parts of the intermediate lateral lemniscal nucleus (LLIc and LLIr), and a few cells in the anterior part of the dorsal lateral lemniscal nucleus (LLDa, previously known as Nucleus ventralis lemnisci lateralis, pars anterior, or VLVa) and in the posterior part of the dorsal lateral lemniscal nucleus (LLDp, previously known as Nucleus ventralis lemnisci lateralis, pars posterior, or VLVp).  

How are these response properties generated from those of the nuclei that provide input to the inferior colliculus? I show that the posterior subdivision of the Nucleus ventralis lemnisci lateralis (VLVp) projects bilaterally to the lateral shell of the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus, the input stage to the map of auditory space.  

Data were collected in four hierachically ordered nuclei concerned with the computation of ITD: the Nucleus ventralis lemnisci lateralis, pars anterior (VLVa), and three subnuclei in the inferior colliculus.  

During development, spinally projecting tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactive neurons are numerous medial to the Nucleus ventralis lemnisci lateralis (the paralemniscal region), whereas only a few are present in the same location in adult animals.  

The lateral lemniscal complex comprises nucleus olivaris superior (SO); nucleus lemnisci lateralis, pars ventralis (LLv); and Nucleus ventralis lemnisci lateralis (VLV).  

The Nucleus ventralis lemnisci lateralis pars posterior (VLVp) is the first binaural station in the intensity-processing pathway of the barn owl.  

Both Nissl stains and 2DG patterns provide evidence that Nucleus ventralis lemnisci lateralis (VLV) can be subdivided into an anterior (VLVa) and a posterior (VLVp) part.  

Nucleus angularis also projects bilaterally to the superior olive and Nucleus ventralis lemnisci lateralis and to the contralateral nucleus lemnisci lateralis pars ventralis and dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus. Other nuclei having ascending connections with MLd include the contralateral superior olive, the ipsilateral nucleus lemnisci lateralis pars ventralis, the contralateral Nucleus ventralis lemnisci lateralis and the contralateral MLd. The ipsilateral superior olive and Nucleus ventralis lemnisci lateralis also project to MLd but much more sparsely than in their contralateral projection.  

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